A sweet bundle of joy wrapped in a pink blanket,
with a big bow over your head and pink tiny socks that still don’t fit those tiny feet.
It never bothered me to stay up all night when your still awake, and not being able to fall asleep alone.
I'm getting up every half hour or so just to change them dirty diapers. You get a bit whiny when you are getting hungry and want to feed.
The sleepless nights, early morning waking up every hour or two right after that rest. Those big round eyes and red tiny lips looking straight at me just staring.
Because I'm a MOTHER, your mama and I will do it for you,Because I also have the maternity mentality and won’t complain at all. It's my job and taking care of you is my responsibility. You are a piece of my heart.Holding you in my arms all day, swaddling you at night to sleep and being able to keep you warm if I need to. Even though I’m dying of sleep and paralyzed on my knee, exhausted I am but taking a 5 minute bath just to come back to you, to me it does not matter at all. Being restless for the rest of my day and night because you've kept me up all night is one of the best.
Yes, your “MOTHER” and that's what I am!